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French-Ecuadorian, born in 1984, Latacunga, Ecuador

Living and working in Cognac, France


Artistic approach:


My approach consists in positioning words in public spaces by painting pieces of figurative spinart filled with allegories or incarnations. The place where it's exhibited, the allegory in itself, the meaning of the composition, its dimension, the palette of colors used, make of each piece a unique experience and provide a diferent angle on what we live right now, in the present.  




2001-2011: Ecole preparatoire aux grandes ecoles, Ecole Polytech Paris, and Academy of fine Arts of Prague.






2021, ¨Barroque contemporain¨ orangerie de la ville de Cognac, France

2020, ¨Otra cosa¨, exposicion virtual, Centro Cívico Cultural, Museo y Biblioteca Mariscal Sucre, Chillogallo, Quito, Ecuador

2018, Anzuelos para atrapar la razon, Casa de la artes La Ronda, Quito, Ecuador

2016, Trebor Tod arte inversion, Ciel Atelier, Quito, Ecuador 


Works in collections:

Casa de las Artes La Ronda, Quito, Ecuador

Private collections in Czech Republic, Ecuador, France, Germany and U.S.A


Press Release:








Centro Cívico Cultural, Museo y Bibliote


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